Climate topic refers to the data, information, and products related to weather and climate. Here you can find information from our on-line weather station network, with the last 24 hours and 7 days data, and maps of rainfall at national level, elaborated by month, 3 month and accumulated in the current year, as well as historical information from 1999. We make available agro-climatic data base from 5 conventional stations, with more than 40 years of records and estimations of different climatic variables.
An agro-climatic characterization of the country is available,  with statistical information from 1980 to 2009 of climatic variables as rainfall, air temperatures, air humidity, etc., and from 1985 to 2009 for output variables of a soil water balance (available water, non-retained water or evapotranspiration for example), at national level.
We also incorporated important links to product or information generated by other relevant organizations. There are available: meteorological forecast, current weather, satellite information, seasonal climate forecast and ENSO surveillance.
Direct access to the Spanish version of some of the information is available on the lateral menu.
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