Imagen Cabezal
  • Articulating the operation of Research Programs, Technical Units and Regional Offices, according to the definitions and priorities of the Institutional Strategic Plans, with the ability to decide on the implementation of measures to facilitate the articulation among these units.
  • It is responsible for the design and implementation of the research agenda of each strategic plan, for the design of instruments for the execution of research plans and projects, and for the development of methodologies for prioritization and selection of projects.
  • It executes strategies and designs financing instruments for articulation of research with other science and technology institutions.
  • It is responsible for designing and implementing the methodology for the planning, monitoring and evaluation system (PM&E) for plans and projects, as well as all the research activities of the Institute.
  • It also participates in the development of the policies, strategies and programmatic objectives of the Institute, supporting the formulation and prioritization of projects according to the strategic definitions of the Institute, and in the management of the Integrated Management System.